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π““π’°Ν˜π“„π’·π“Šπ’·π““π’°Μ‹Ν˜π“…π’·Μ„π“Šπ’·noun1fire-making wood (piece of wood laid on ground and rubbed to make fire)π““π’°Ν˜π“„π’·π“Šπ’·
π““π’°Ν˜π“„π“‚π“’π’°π““π’°ΜΝ˜π“„π“‚Μπ“’π’°noun1post or stake planted upright in the groundπ““π’°Ν˜π“„π“Žπ“’π’°π““π’°Ν˜π“„π“‚π“’π’°
𐓓𐒰𐓄𐓇𐒷𐓓𐒰́𐓄𐓇𐒷transitive verb1stabFor this term (often just two syllables), any conjugations need to be done after the first syllable. This is often because this term is composed of two words, though the original meanings of the two words may be unknown.
π““π’°Ν˜π“Šπ“Žπ’Ό'π’°π““π’°Μ„Ν˜π“‹π“ŽΜπ’Ό'𐒰noun1punk, tinder, fine kindling (dried decayed wood used for tinder to strike a flint fire)π““π’°Ν˜π“Šπ“Žπ’Ό'𐒰
π““π’°Ν˜π“π’·π““π’°Μ‹Ν˜π“π’·noun1stick2pole3baby boardπ““π’°Ν˜π“π’°π““π’°Ν˜
π““π’°Ν˜π“π’·π““π’»Ν˜π““π’°Μ‹Ν˜π“π’·π““π’»Ν˜noun1stick2branches3small limbs or twigs (of a tree or bush)π““π’°Ν˜π“π’·π““π’»Ν˜
π““π’°Ν˜π“π“ˆπ’°π““π’°ΜΝ˜π“π“ˆπ’°1body odor, any soured odor (such as the smell of clothes, shoes, feet, or a refinery)noun2smell unpleasantly sour, have a sour odorintransitive verb3stinky, sour-smellingintransitive verb
π““π’°Μ‹Ν˜π““π’·π““π’°Μ‹Ν˜π““π’·intransitive verb1smell as spoiled food smells, have a stinking odor or a bad odor (e.g., underarm odor)
𐓓𐒰𐓓𐒷 𐒼𐒻𐒼𐒰𐓐𐒷𐓓𐒰́𐓓𐒷 𐒼𐒻𐒼𐒰̋𐓐𐒷intransitive verb1sign (as a document), subscribe, undersign, affix one's signatureproduce one's name for others𐓓𐒰𐓓𐒷𐒼𐒻𐒼𐒰𐓐𐒷This entry is composed of more than one word. Any conjugations need to be done on the LAST word.
π““π’°Ν˜π““π’»Ν˜π““π’°Μ‹Ν˜π““π’»Ν˜noun1splinters2small branches, small limbs or twigs (of a tree or bush)π““π’°Ν˜π““π’»Ν˜
𐓓𐒷𐓓𐒷́1defecateintransitive verb2have a bowel movementintransitive verb3be excretedintransitive verb4oozeintransitive verb5be emittedintransitive verb6stoolintransitive verb7excretetransitive verb8emittransitive verb
-𐓓𐒷𐓓𐒷́1not, neversfx𐒰𐓓𐒻𐓍𐒷This is an affix that cannot be used by itself. It is attached to other words or roots.
𐓓𐒷𐒼𐒰𐓓𐒷𐒼𐒰́noun1leg2upper part of the leg3hind leg𐓆𐒻𐓒𐓂Dorsey notes for this term that "sometimes the whole leg is meant."
𐓓𐒷𐒼𐒰 π“‚π’Όπ’»π“Šπ’·π““π’·π’Όπ’°Μ π“‚Μπ’½π’»π“Œπ’·noun1knee joint𐓓𐒷𐒼𐒰 π“Žπ’Όπ’»π“Šπ’·π““π’·π’Όπ’°π“‚π’Όπ’»π“Šπ’·
π““π’·π’Ώπ’°Ν˜π““π’·Μπ’Ώπ’°Ν˜transitive verb1cook food by putting it on a fire, as watxaⁿ (pumpkin), etc.2heat, as stones on a fire, for a sweat-bath3cook food in a pan on top or inside a stove or oven4broil meatπ““π’·π’Όπ“π’°Ν˜Dorsey notes that "the object cooked is regarded as curvilinear."For this term (often just two syllables), any conjugations need to be done after the first syllable. This is often because this term is composed of two words, though the original meanings of the two words may be unknown.
π““π’»Ν˜π’Ήπ’·π““π’»Μ‹Ν˜π’Ήπ’·π““π’»Ν˜π’Ήπ’·Μπ““π’»Μ„Ν˜π’Ήπ’·Μintransitive verb1sleep2slumber3recline, as when asleepπ““π’»Ν˜π’Ήπ’°π““π’»Μ‹Ν˜π’Ήπ’»π““π’°Ν˜
𐓓𐒻𐒹𐒻𐓓𐒻́𐒹𐒻adjective1brown2yellowish-red3reddish-yellow𐓓𐒻𐓒𐒻𐒹𐒻𐓒𐒻𐓒𐒻Dorsey notes that this term is "the color of the robin's breast."
π““π’»Ν˜π’Όπ’°π““π’»ΜΝ˜π’Όπ’°πŸ”Šπ““π’»Ν˜π’Όπ’°Μ1littleadjective2smalladjective3childnoun4childrennoun5little one(s)noun6kid(s)nounπ““π’»Ν˜π““π’»Ν˜π’°π“π“‚π“ˆπ’°Ν˜
π““π’»Ν˜π’Όπ’° π“‚π“π’°π’Όπ’»π’Ήπ’°Ν˜π““π’»Ν˜π’Όπ’°Μ π“‚π“π’°Μπ’½π’»π’Ήπ’°Ν˜1grandchild (my)noun2grandchild (your)noun3grandchild (his/her)noun4grandchildnoun5descendentnoun6issuetransitive verb7bring forthtransitive verbπ““π’»Ν˜π’Όπ’° π“‚π’Όπ’»π’Ήπ’°Ν˜π““π’»Ν˜π’Όπ’° π“‚π“π’°π’Όπ’»π’Ήπ’°π““π’»Ν˜π’Όπ’°
π““π’»Ν˜π’Όπ’°π““π’»Ν˜π““π’»Ν˜π’Όπ’°Μπ““π’»Ν˜noun1child(ren), little one(s), kid(s)2childhoodπ““π’»Ν˜π’Όπ’°π““π’»π““π’»Ν˜π’Όπ’°π““π’»Ν˜
π““π’»Ν˜π’Όπ“‚π’Όπ’°π“‡π’°Ν˜π““π’»Ν˜π’Όπ“‚Μπ’Όπ’°π“‡π’°Ν˜1babysit, take care of kidsintransitive verb2babysitting, childcarenounπ““π’»Ν˜π’Όπ“‚π’Όπ’°π“‡π’°π““π’»Ν˜π’Όπ’°π““π’»Ν˜π“‚π’Όπ’°π“‡π’°Ν˜This entry is composed of more than one word. Any conjugations need to be done on the LAST word.
𐓓𐓂𐒼𐒻𐒿𐒷𐓓𐓂́𐒼𐒻𐒿𐒷transitive verb1be or go with his or her own2be with one's own peopleπ““π“Žπ’Όπ’»π’Όπ“π’·π’Όπ’»π’Ό-𐓓𐓂𐒿𐒷For this term (often just two syllables), any conjugations need to be done after the first syllable. This is often because this term is composed of two words, though the original meanings of the two words may be unknown.
𐓓𐓂𐒿𐒷𐓓𐓂́𐒿𐒷1with him, her, or ittransitive verb2be with him, etc.transitive verb3with (often glossed 'and' in English)post4marrytransitive verb5accompanytransitive verb6go withtransitive verb7come withtransitive verb8datetransitive verb9be in a courtship withtransitive verbbe withπ““π“Žπ’Όπ“π’·For this term (often just two syllables), any conjugations need to be done after the first syllable. This is often because this term is composed of two words, though the original meanings of the two words may be unknown.
π““π“‚Ν˜π“„π’°π’Ώπ’·π“’π’·π““π“‚Ν˜π“…π’°Μπ’Ώπ’·π“’π’·noun1quail, stripe-headed quail, bobwhiteπ““π“‚Ν˜π“„π’°π“’π’·π““π“‚Ν˜π“„π“‚π’»π“’π’·π“„π’°π’Ώπ’·π“’π’·
𐓓𐓂𐓄𐓇𐒷𐓓𐓂́𐓄𐓇𐒷intransitive verb1wade
𐓓𐓂𐓏𐒰𐒿𐒷𐓓𐓂́𐓏𐒰𐒿𐒷transitive verb1be with folks2be or go with themπ““π“Žπ“π’°π’Όπ“π’·π““π“‚π’Ώπ’·π“π’°-For this term (often just two syllables), any conjugations need to be done after the first syllable. This is often because this term is composed of two words, though the original meanings of the two words may be unknown.
π““π“Žπ“‚π’Όπ’°π““π“ŽΜπ“‚π’Όπ’°noun1human body𐓓𐓂𐒻𐒼𐒰