Telecommunication Consultation Procedures

The Osage Nation Historic Preservation Office has developed the following consultation procedures for all telecommunication projects identified as undertakings by the Federal Communications Commission.

Please submit via email to @email:

1. A 1-page cover letter with the following information:

a. TCNS Number (include on all correspondence)

b. Company Name

c. Project Name, City, County, State

d. Project type: new build, collocation, expansion, tower type-

monopole, guyed-tower, height, land use, access road-

existing or new build, utility lines-route with access road or new route, explanation of ground disturbance

e. Tower coordinates both USPLSS (quadrangle,

quarter section, section, township, and range) and UTM (WGS84) coordinates are required.

Projects will not be reviewed until both USPLSS and UTM coordinates are submitted

f. Total area surveyed in acres

g. Contact information include individual’s name, address, phone,

  fax, and email

2.   Professional cultural/archaeological survey report. With the first cultural resource survey report, include curriculum vitae for all archaeologists who conduct the field surveys and produce the cultural survey reports. At a minimum, the field surveyors must possess a BA or BS in anthropology with an emphasis in archaeology. Field surveyors who only possess a BA or BS in anthropology must be accompanied in the field by a supervisor who possesses an MA or MS in anthropology with an emphasis in archaeology. At a minimum, the individual who supervises and interprets the results of the field survey, determines the cultural resource recommendation, and produces the cultural survey report must possess an MA or MS in anthropology with an emphasis in archaeology.

3.   Aerial and/or color USGS topographic maps locating project area within a) State, b) County, and c) within local area.

4.   Aerial, color USGS topographic, or planimetric maps specifically locating: a) cell tower site, b) .5 mile; .75 mile; or 1.5 mile APE, c) surveyed area for access road, d) surveyed area for utility easement, e) for guyed towers, surveyed locations for guy anchors, f) surveyed staging area, and g) location of archaeological and historic sites in the APE and in the close vicinity of the APE.

Do not submit hand drawn or hand annotated maps.

5.   Project site plan maps depicting labeled shovel test locations. Do not submit hand drawn or hand annotated maps. At a minimum, shovel tests need to be at the center and four corners of the cell tower lease area, all guy anchor locations, throughout the access road and utility easement, and staging area. The minimum shovel test density for access roads and utility easements is 1 every 20 m. Shovel test minimum width is 40 cm. Shovel test minimum depth is to 20 cm beyond sterile subsoil. If terminated before sterile soil is reached, please provide an explanation either in the text or in the shovel test table. Excavated shovel tests must be screened using a 0.25 inch mesh screen, dug in stratigraphic or 10 cm levels, and measurements must be recorded in centimeters.  

6.   Table listing shovel test locations, width (cm), depths (cm), soils, and results.

7.   Site photographs in color, specifically images with exact location of a) cell tower construction site by taking shot with cell tower/base/compound location marked by stakes or flagging, b) guy anchor locations, c) access road, d) utility easement, and e) staging area.

8.   A copy of the review letter or TCNS e-response from the State Historic Preservation Office and all other state-mandated review offices.


Exceptions for information submission:

A. Collocations that do not involve any ground disturbance. Please submit the applicable information from item numbers 1, 3, 7, and 9 above.

B. Collocations or new towers that do involve ground disturbance and are in a location that previously experienced significant ground disturbance. Please submit the applicable information from item numbers 1, 3, 4, 7, and 8 above. In addition, please provide documentation that confirms the significant ground disturbance claim, i.e. photographs, past land use, and/or inspection by a qualified archaeologist.

Please email documentation to @email.

Please see below the Standards for Cultural Resource Survey Reports.

Use only the following contact and address information:

                             Dr. Andrea A. Hunter, THPO

                             Osage Nation Historic Preservation Office

                             627 Grandview

                             Pawhuska, OK  74056

                             Phone: 918-287-5328

                             Fax:     918-287-5376

                             E-mail: @email  

Standards for Cultural Resource Survey Reports

The following outlines the documentation required in a cultural resource survey report that will enable the Osage Nation Tribal Historic Preservation Office to efficiently evaluate the information gathered for a proposed project in a coherent, standardized format. Please include in all reports:

1. Abstract

         Executive summary of project, survey results, and recommendations

2. Introduction

         Introduce project and project design          

3. Environmental Setting

         Specific location, legal description, composition of project site

         General location, geomorphology, landform, soils, vegetation, hydrology

4. Cultural History

         Brief overview of cultural occupation represented in locale

5. File Search and Previous Research

         Results of file search in state database for previously recorded archaeological

         sites and review of previous archaeological investigations

6. Field Methods and Analytical Techniques

         How field survey and analysis were conducted

7. Results of Archaeological Field Investigations

         Review findings and identification of National Register of Historic Places

8. Recommendations

Summarize archaeological sites identified, NRHP determinations, and project recommendations

9. References Cited


Physical Address
Historic Preservation Office
100 W. Main
Pawhuska, OK 74056

Office Main Phone

Office Fax Number
