𐒼𐓇𐒷𐒼𐓇𐒷1positional article for an entity that is lying down or long, used after a noun or pronoun that is not an active subjectπ“€π’°Μ‹Ν˜π’Ήπ’»π“†π’» 𐓏𐒰𐒼'𐓂́ 𐒼𐓇𐒷 π’°π’΄π’»ΜΝ˜I have the queen of spadesπ’»Μ„π’Ήπ“‚ΜΝ˜ 𐒼𐓇𐒷 π“ˆπ’°Ν˜π’Ήπ’·Μ π’»Ν˜π’Όπ“‡π’·Μ?is his or her mother [who is bedridden or lying down] all right?π“π’»Μ„π’Ήπ“‚ΜΝ˜ 𐒼𐓇𐒷 π“ˆπ’°Ν˜π’Ήπ’·Μ 𐒰𐒼𐓐𐒱?how is your [bedridden] mother?π“€π“‚ΜΝ˜π““π“‚Ν˜ π“π’°Μ‹π’Ώπ’»Ν˜ 𐓍𐒷́ 𐒼𐓇𐒷 π“€π“‚ΜΝ˜π““π“‚Ν˜ 𐓍𐒷́ 𐒼𐓇𐒷 π“π’»Ν˜π’Όπ’·Μ 𐓉𐒰 𐒰̄𐓓𐒻 𐒻́𐒷 𐓏𐒻́𐓉𐒰 π“‡π“‚Μ„Ν˜π“‡π“‚ΜΝ˜π“π’· 𐒰𐓍𐒷̋ 𐓉𐒰 𐒰𐒼𐓐𐒱heaven and earth shall pass away but my word will endureπ’Όπ“‚Μ‹π“ˆπ’° 𐒼𐓇𐒷 𐓄𐒷̋ 𐒷̋ 𐒼𐓇𐒷?that [one] lying over there, who is it?𐓇𐒷̋ 𐒼𐓇𐒷 𐒼'π’»ΜΝ˜ 𐒰𐒿𐒻́𐓄𐒷they hauled him back, they hauled back that one near you lying down𐒽𐒰́𐓏𐒰 𐒼𐓇𐒷 π’Ήπ“ŽΜπ’Ήπ’·π’Όπ’° 𐒼𐓇𐒷?is that horse lying there sick?π“‡π“‚ΜΝ˜π’Όπ’· 𐒷́𐒼𐓇𐒷 π’Ήπ’°Μ‹π““π“‚Ν˜?what are you going to do with that dog lying there?π““π’°Μ‹Ν˜ 𐒼𐓇𐒷the one sleeping over thereπ’»Μπ“„π’·π’Ήπ’»Ν˜ 𐓆𐒻́ 𐒼𐓇𐒷 π“‚Μ‹Ν˜ 𐒼𐓇𐒻́𐒷put a pillow under his footπ’»Μπ“„π’·π’Ήπ’»Ν˜ 𐒰̋ 𐒼𐓇𐒷 π’»ΜΝ˜ 𐒼𐓇𐒻́𐒷put a pillow under his armπ“ˆπ“‚Μπ“π’° 𐒼𐓇𐒷 π“‡π“Šπ’·Μπ“π’°!doctor that one lying there, doctor him!2positional article that indicates plurality of an inanimate entity that takes the tse 'standing' positional in the singular3lying down or long (used clause-finally; often followed by abe, denoting reported informationπ“‡π“ŽΜπ“„π’· π’Όπ’»Μπ’Ήπ“ŽΜπ’Ήπ’·π’Όπ’° 𐒼𐓇𐒻́ 𐒰̋𐓄𐒷he [lying down] has stomach trouble, they said𐓏𐒰́𐒿𐒻 π’Ήπ“ŽΜπ’Ήπ’·π’Όπ’° 𐒼𐓇𐒻́ 𐒰̋𐓄𐒰 π’°Ν˜π““π’»Ν˜ π“π’°ΜΝ˜π’°π“‘π’·π“†π’Όπ’° 𐒼𐓇𐒻́ 𐒰̋𐓄𐒷she [lying down] is awfully sick, but her mind is all right [they said]π“π’°π“π’°Μ‹π“‰π’°Ν˜ π“‡π“ˆπ’°Ν˜ 𐒷́𐓉𐒰𐓁𐒰 π“Šπ’·Μ‹π“„π’· 𐓅𐒻̋𐓓𐒻 𐒼𐓇𐒻́ 𐒰̄𐓄𐒷he [lying down] has a bad liver from always drinking [they said]π“Šπ’·Μ‹π“„π’· 𐓅𐒻̋𐓓𐒻 𐒼𐓇𐒻́ 𐒰̄𐓄𐒷 π“π’°π“π’°Μ‹π“‰π’°Ν˜ π“‡π“ˆπ’°Ν˜ 𐒷́𐒹𐓁𐒰he [lying down] has a bad liver [they said] because he's always drinking𐓏𐒰́𐒿𐒻 𐓍𐒻̄𐓓𐓂́𐓓𐒻𐓄𐒻 𐒼𐓇𐒻́ 𐒰̋𐓄𐒷he [lying down] has really been hurt, they saidπ““π’°Μ‹Ν˜ 𐒼𐓇𐒻́ 𐒰̋𐓄𐒷that person's lying down, they said𐒷̋ 𐒼𐓇𐒻́ 𐒰̋𐓄𐒷[it is] she lying there, they said𐓄𐒷̋ 𐒷̋ 𐒼𐓇𐒷?who is that over there lying down?π“‡π“ŽΜπ“„π’· π’»Μ„π’Ήπ“ŽΜπ’Ήπ’·π’Όπ’° 𐒼𐓇𐒻́ 𐒰̋𐓄𐒷he [lying down] has intestinal trouble, they said𐒻𐓇𐒻́𐒼'π’°Ν˜ 𐓋𐒷́𐓒𐒷 π’»Μ‹π’Ήπ“Žπ’Ήπ’·π’Όπ’° 𐒼𐓇𐒻́ 𐒰̋𐓄𐒷my sister-in-law [lying down] is sick with her stomach, they sayπ’°Ν˜π“π’°ΜΝ˜π“π“„π’°π“π’·, π’»Μπ’Όπ’»π“‡π“‚π“Šπ’· 𐒼𐓇𐒷I was lost in the [overlying] fog4the reclining animate object5the (dead body)6the long inanimate object7the long rectilinear collection, as a forestπ’Όπ“‡π’»π’Όπ’·π“„π’°π“„π’·π“ˆπ“π’°Ν˜π“Šπ’·π“π’°Ν˜π“π’·π“π’»Ν˜π’Όπ“‡π’·