Students read and create a timeline of the history of Osage education which closely tracks the fate of the Osage in the last 300 years, and analyze the cultural impact of the boarding schools.

Students read personal stories and general background on cultural repression in Natl Museum of American Indian lesson-also learn about Code Talkers

Students read personal stories and general background on cultural repression in Natl Museum of American Indian lesson-also learn about Code Talkers

Students read background on Osage’s closest federal school, and then analyze song lyrics and art portraying the emotional experience of Indian students. (Social Studies; Art; Music; Language Arts)

Students read excerpt from Osage historian of incidents of physical abuse in enforcing compulsory attendance at boarding schools, and discuss how these violate basic human rights. (Social Studies; Language Arts)

Students define culture and ethnocentrism and then analyze how this blinded the American educators who were trying to “help” the Osage. Discussion and written essay response. (Social Studies; Sociology; Language Arts)