𐒰𐓄𐒷𐒰̋𐓄𐒷verb1he/she/they said, it is said, known by hearsay (indicates that information in the sentence was reported by another or others; often used in ceremonial speech and in storytelling)π““π’»Ν˜π’Όπ’°Μπ““π’»Ν˜ 𐓇𐒼𐒻 π“Š'𐒷́𐓍𐒷 𐒰𐓄𐒰 𐒰̋𐓄𐒷it is said that they are also killing childrenπ“π’°π’½π“‚ΜΝ˜π“ˆπ’°π’Όπ’» π“π’»ΜΝ˜ 𐒰̋𐓄𐒻𐒷they said you were a doctorπ’°Ν˜π’Όπ“‚Μπ“π’»π’½π’»Μπ’·π“„π’» 𐒰́𐒹𐒰, 𐓍𐒰𐒼'𐒷́𐓏𐒰𐓍𐒰𐒼𐒻́𐓍𐒷 𐓉𐒰 π“π’»Ν˜π’Όπ“‡π’·Μ 𐒰̋𐓄when we talk to you, they said you would pity usπ’°Μπ“π’°π“π“‚Ν˜π’΄π’· π“π’»Μ„π“‡π“ˆπ’°ΜΝ˜π“„π’·, π“‡π“ˆπ“‚ΜΝ˜π“„π’· π“‡π’Όπ“‚ΜΝ˜π“‡π“ˆπ’°, π“‚Μπ“π“‚Ν˜π’΄π’· 𐓇𐒼𐒻 π’°Μπ““π“Žπ“„π’» 𐒰̋𐓄𐒷, π“π’°π“†π’Όπ“ŽΜπ’· 𐓇𐒼𐒻 π’°Μπ““π“Žπ“„π’·they got the tables finished, do you want to look at them? and they've even put the food on, they said, they've got fruit on the table, tooπ’½π’»Μ„π“†π“ˆπ“‚Μ 𐓄𐒰𐓁𐒰̋𐓄𐒻 𐒰̋𐓄𐒷he adjourned the meeting, they saidπ“ˆπ“‚Μπ“π’° 𐒰𐓄𐒰 π“π’°Μ„π“Œπ’»Μπ“„π’» 𐒰̋𐓄𐒷they said those men dancedπ“ˆπ’°Μ„π’Όπ’·Μ 𐓍𐒰̄𐓇𐒷́ 𐒰̋𐓄𐒷they said you were fightingπ“π’»π“‡π’»ΜΝ˜π’Όπ’· 𐒻́𐒷 𐒰𐒼𐓐𐒰 𐒰̋𐓄𐒷they said he was talkingthey said he talkedπ“ˆπ’°Μ‹π“ˆπ’°Ν˜ π“π’°Μ‹π’Ώπ’»Ν˜ 𐓏𐒰𐓍𐒰𐒼𐓇𐒻́𐒷 𐓉𐒰 𐓍𐒻́𐒷 π“π’»Ν˜π’Όπ“‡π’» 𐒰̋𐓄𐒷they said you're the one that's going to make everything good for us𐒻́𐒷 𐓂𐒽𐒻́𐓄𐓇𐒷 π“π’»Ν˜π’Όπ“‡π’»Μ 𐒰̋𐓄𐒷they said you keep your word2they/he or she said, it is said, known by hearsay3as it is or was told or said (e.g., in a story or in the Bible)π’»Ν˜π“‰π’°Μπ“Šπ’» π“π’°π’½π“‚ΜΝ˜π“ˆπ’°, π“€π’°ΜΝ˜π““π’°Ν˜ π“π’°Μ‹π’Ώπ’»Ν˜ π’»Ν˜π’Όπ“‡π’» 𐓍𐒰𐓁𐒻́𐒽𐒰𐓇𐒻 π“π’»Ν˜π’Όπ“‡π’»Μ 𐒷̄𐓄𐒷our father, who art in heaven𐓋𐒻́ 𐒼𐒰̋𐓑𐒻 π“Œπ’· 𐒷́𐓓𐒻 π’»Μπ“„π’°π’Ήπ“‚Ν˜π““π’» 𐒰𐓄𐒰 𐒰̋𐓄𐒷no one would ever know where she made her nest𐒰𐓄𐒰𐓄𐒻𐒷𐒷𐓄𐒷𐒷-𐒰𐓄𐒻𐓍𐒷𐒰𐒼𐓐𐒰𐒰𐓄𐒰